

In Australia we have Universal Access – the aim of which is to have every 4 year old able to access a kindergarten program led by a university trained teacher, like we have at Ashgrove Memorial. There is a national framework called the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Queensland implementation of this for kindergarten-aged children called the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG). There is an alignment between the National Framework and the Queensland Guideline and our experienced staff use both to inform their planning and practice.

Fundamental to the Framework is a view of children’s lives as characterised by Belonging, Being and Becoming.

Each child is an individual and our planning reflects the needs, skills and interests of each child and the whole group.

5 Learning outcomes underpin our Planning Cycles across all our groups

  1. Children have a strong sense of identity,
  2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world,
  3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing,
  4. Children are confident and involved learners, and
  5. Children are effective communicators.

Curriculum Information for Families


The QKLG provides advice for planning, documenting and assessing children’s learning and development, sharing information with parents/carers and schools (with consent through transition statements and conversations).

The QKLG provides a continua of learning and development in

  1. Identity
  2. Connectedness
  3. Wellbeing
  4. Active Learning, and
  5. Communicating
  • Secure, consistent, respectful and reciprocal relationships between children, staff and families.
  • Knowledge of each child’s needs to further their interests, skills and wellbeing
  • Communication with families, who are involved in decision-making about their child’s learning.
  • Provocations and learning experiences that are play-based and can be either organic and child-led, or teacher led/collaborated, or both.
  • Experiences involve embedding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and respect diversity, inclusivity, and the environment.

Is the process of gathering and analysing information as evidence of how children feel, what they know, can do and understand. Knowing each child well is vital, so an excellent understanding of child development is used for planning and assessment purposes.

An example:

At kindy, spilling the paint is not an interruption to the program but an important part of it. How the staff respond to this experience can empower the child and instill in them self-confidence, a sense of resilience, purposefulness, assertiveness, and a sense of themselves as a competent and capable individual.